Our Philosophy
It’s simple really. There is no greater feeling in the game of golf than hitting a ball PURE. It’s undeniable.
So naturally, we set out to share that feeling with the rest of the world.
To us it doesn't matter if you're just starting out or if you're a seasoned pro, as long as you're chasing that feeling--the one we all get when we catch a 4-iron absolutely flush--you're one of us.
What we're trying to accomplish: Make really good looking gear at a very reasonable price.
Right now we're a small team and an underdog in the apparel space. Over time we hope to add more exciting products to our collection and continue to bring quality gear at affordable prices to all our supporters.
We're thrilled to have you be a part of our journey.
So go ahead, tell your friends, your family, and especially your buddies at the country club where they can get their new golf apparel. No seriously, that would help us out a lot.
Founder & CEO